Easy Assembly with Pictures
Step 1
Cut tree or plant 3 1/2” treated post allowing 46”-48” exposed from ground up.
Step 2
Add 4”, 5” or 6” sheet metal (stove pipe) depending on diameter of tree or post, for added protection.
Step 3
Mount feed tray onto tree or post.
Step 3 (view on stump)
Mount feed tray onto tree or post.
Step 4
Slide sheet metal sleeve up against bottom of feed tray. Fasten sleeve to tree or post with 1 5/8” exterior screws. Fasten towards bottom of sleeve to prevent screw head providing a hand hold for raccoons to grab.
Step 5
Check Feed tray height. Note* You can always make it shorter ... you can never make a stump longer. [Words of Widsom] :)
Step 5a
38" is an ideal height we've tested for most game animals. Adjust for what you're trying to feed.
Step 6
Thread hopper onto the feed tray.
Step 7
Fill the hopper with your choice of feed. (corn, pellets, grain, etc.)
Step 8
Turn the hopper clockwise to choke off the flow or counterclockwise to increase the flow and get the proper feed distribution. This step depends on the size of what you're feeding. Take time to set the distribution gap to a size just a bit bigger than what you're feeding. [see next step]
Step 8a
Turn the hopper clockwise to choke off the flow. Turn counterclockwise to fill the tray and allow more flow. The idea is to get it to flow just enough to keep the feed moving without chocking it off or dumping it on the ground.